Tools & Resources
We know that health insurance can be a difficult topic to understand. So we've gathered the information needed to answer your questions and provide you with a one-stop-shop for resources and information to answer your FirstCare-related and general health care questions.
You've got questions, and we've got answers. We're here to help.
- Already a FirstCare member? Visit the Member Resources page for details specific to FirstCare plans, including information on the self-service portal, wellness and more!
Click on any of the topics below for more details:
How Does Health Insurance Work?
This quick video, courtesy of Kaiser Permanente, explains health insurance using easy-to-understand terminology. It breaks down important insurance concepts, such as premiums, deductibles, provider networks, and how to pay for coverage and obtain medical care and prescription drugs when enrolled in various types of health insurance, including HMOs and PPOs.
“Health Insurance Explained – The YouToons Have It Covered,” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, accessed 02/25/2015,
Where Does Your Health Care Dollar Go?
Health care costs are too high for too many. Your premium (i.e., how much you pay for your health insurance each month) covers the costs that FirstCare absorbs to provide your insurance coverage as well as the medical care you might receive—everything from prescription drugs and doctors’ visits to hospital stays and customer service. Here is a breakdown of where your premium dollar really goes:

This data represents how commercial health plans spend your premiums. This data includes employer-provided coverage as well as coverage you purchase on your own. Data reflects averages for the 2016-18 benefit years. Percentages do not add up to 100% due to rounding. Content and Design AHIP—All Rights Reserved: © AHIP 2021.
What is a Provider Network?
Here’s another video, courtesy of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), showing you how your provider network helps you maximize your health plan benefits while minimizing the effect on your wallet.
“So What is a Provider Network?” America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), accessed 09/07/2017,
Need Help Choosing a Plan?
In this video, also courtesy of AHIP, see what goes into selecting a health plan that’s right for you/your family.
“How Do You Pick an Insurance Plan,” America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), accessed 06/28/2017,
We get it—there are a lot of factors to consider when selecting the coverage that's right for you. That’s why we offer a broad range of affordable health plans designed to meet the needs of our friends, neighbors and fellow Texans. Our plans are simple to understand and use. We make it easy for our members to access the doctors, hospitals and health services in our communities. And, we provide exceptional service for our members. Because at FirstCare, we put you first.
You'll find more details and resource links to our plan information below. If you have questions, feel free to call our Customer Service team at 1.800.214.0502 and we'll be glad to get you the answers you need.
Individual & Family Plans
Are you looking for an individual or family plan? FirstCare offers an array of plans to suit your needs.
- FirstCare offers a variety of quality plans through the Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as the “health insurance exchange.”) If you need help matching a plan to your health needs, we’re right here for you.
- FirstCare STAR is a Medicaid program designed for low-income families, children, and pregnant women; including doctor visits, prescriptions, and more. For those not eligible for Medicaid, but who can’t afford other insurance, we offer FirstCare CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program)—providing health coverage for children in low-income families.
Employer & Group Plans
If you are a business owner, we offer employee benefit solutions for companies of all sizes. We have group plan options to fit your needs, depending on your number of employees, the type of coverage you're looking for, and what funding options you prefer. Click on the links below for more information:
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What Does It Mean?—A Health Insurance Glossary
Health insurance terms and phrases can be confusing, so we've compiled a list to help you.
Click here for a list of commonly used terms that can help you understand your plan and ask the right questions about your coverage.
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Questions? Contact Us!
If you have any questions about FirstCare, or if you're interested in enrolling a plan—our Customer Service team is standing by, ready to assist you.
- Please call us, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. CT weekdays.
Subcontractor Information
FirstCare uses the following subcontractors to provide members and providers the best experience: